Add items to Cart
Browse your catalog to determine which items you want to order or release from the warehouse. Add the items to your cart.
To confirm you have the correct shipping address, click on the "shipping" tab in the upper right corner. Make sure you have the correct address, "my cost center" may default to your corporate location.
"Drop Ship" is for other locations that may already have been entered into the system for you by m7 business systems. "Mass Ship" is used if you have multiple locations. "Custom" is used if you need to enter a new address that is not already in our system.
Click "View Cart to Review your order.
Click on "checkout" in the upper right tab if you are satisfied with your cart.
Submit Order
You are then taken to the checkout screen where you can select shipping methods, enter a PO# and an attention for shipping purposes, select your payment method, and enter special instructions for m7 Business Systems.
Your order will not be placed until you hit "submit order". Once you submit, you will be taken to a screen giving you an order # to reference with further questions. This confirmation is also emailed to the email address we have on file.
The reports button at the top of the page allows you to view all types of reports, such as tracking information, invoices, inventory and order history. We can create custom reports for you to view here as well.